The Tranition to clinical training in dentistry: The pre-clinical/clinical gap Special Interest Group is chaired by Carlos Serrano Petrillo and Marjoke Vervoorn from ACTA.
Aims and Objectives
- Summaries the curricular structure of several dental schools regarding the relation between the undergraduate pre clinical and clinical training stages
- Describe the transition period to clinical training in dentistry, including curricular and personal features
- Describe the gap between preclinical and clinical training
- Design a preclinical/clinical gap diagnostic tool
- Design preclinical/clinical gap intervention guidelines
- Communicate SIG results with the academic community
2016 Meeting Barcelona, Spain
The first meeting of the Transition to clinical training in dentistry: The pre-clilnical/clinical gap Special Interest Group was held in Barcelona Spain on Wednesday 24th August. The following presentations were delivere dto enable discussions.
- Carlos Serrano Petrillo - Introduction to SIG and the 'Pre-clinical/clinical Gap'
- D. Troncoso, C. Muñoz, L. Millanao - Assessment of the transition to clinical training: a pilot experience
- Michael Botelho - Situating learning to support the clinical transition
You are invited to participate in an online survey related to the work of the SIG here.
If you have any questions or are interest in developing collaborative research please contact the SIG chair directly.