Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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We have placed delegate's work at the centre of ADEE Dublin 2025. With space for up to 150 delegate posters using the learning toolbox showcase, an additional 50 delegate oral poster presentations and 10 FREEStage open format presentations, delegates have ample opportunity to showcase their work.


The FREEStage format encourages those in the early stages of educational research to share their evolving work in a collegial and safe environment. The approach is one that encourages discussion with delegates so as to guide and improve their work and to seek additional input from wider sources and context. Each selected presenter will be allotted a total of 15 minutes to showcase their work. The expected format is a 10 slide power point presentation delivered in approximately 7 to 8 minutes. The remainder of the time is to accommodate delegate engagement, questions and answers and peer review. 

Posters and Selected Oral Posters:

ADEE's annual meeting attracts considerable interest from academics to share their work via the academic poster format. Traditionally we would give exposure to upwards of 100 delegates work. Moving online has given us the opportunity to think creatively about how we do this in 2025 we will again be using the Learning Toolbox (LTB) to collate and showcase our delegates poster work. We have extended our capacity to take up to 200 posters and we encourage those who are selected for a poster format to use the platform to its full potential. At a minimum selected presenters must upload a single poster slide in landscape format and complete the mandatory fields to generate the online mini poster. But why not also consider including a more detailed presentation, a link to a zoom call during the session to engage with delegates, any supporting materials you wish to share. The choices with in LTB are limitless. During 2025 posters will be featured in a number of dedicated session including themed discussions, and a guided tour of the poster showcase by theme. 

During 2025 posters will be featured in a number of dedicated session including themed discussions, and a guided tour of the poster showcase by theme.

As we work on preparing the 2025 showcase why not visit previous ADEE poster showcases from 2024:

Join us in our Annual Meeting for a
'Céad mile fáilte'!

Registration soon