Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE 2024 Leuven Evaluation and Thank you


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Dear Delegate,
We hope you enjoyed ADEE 2024 Leuven and that by now that you are settling into the new term. It was wonderful to see so many of you engage in over 70 academic sessions and the ADEE exhibition and of course in the very enjoyable social events kindly supported by our corporate partners. 


Meeting Evaluation

In this final meeting mailing we want to ask you to spare 2 minutes of your time to complete a short meeting evaluation form to help us evolve our meeting format and grow on the success of this years event. Click here to complete it.


ADEE poster session winners

At our final plenary we announced the winners of the various poster sessions. Congratulations to the following, your certificates will be emailed to you in due course. Delegates can of course continue to engage with these and all e-poster on the meeting poster showcase which will remain live. 

  1. The PIETA rubric for assessment of dental students at the University of Barcelona
    Maria Cristina De La Rosa Gay, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain 

  2. Calibration of Faculty using Temple Kornberg School of Dentistry Faculty Calibration Online Program (FCOP)
    Amid Ismail, American Dental Education Association 

  3. Comparative Study of the Modelling Skills of Dentistry and Fine Arts Students
    Sebastiana Arroyo Bote, ADEMA University School, Spain

  4. Transformative Learning on Oral Surgery Clinics
    Emma Robinson, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom

  5. Creating a virtual AI-patient for training students’ verbal communication skills
    Matin Farzad, Malmö University, Sweden 

  6. An Innovative Approach: Enhancing Manual Dexterity and Indirect Vision in Dental Students through Games and 3D Printing Devices
    Daniela Pino, Affiliation not provided 

  7. Evaluating the Translation of Theoretical Knowledge of Tooth Morphology into Practical Skills among Dental Students
    Leen Habboub, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom 


Photo Album

We have started to upload the meeting photos to our online meeting album. Feel free to download what you wish and to share these on social media. We will continue to add to the album over the coming weeks.

You can access the content via the adee website delegate access menu item under the Leuven Meeting section. 


Thank you for your attendance and support!

To close out our meeting we want to send one final thank you to all our delegates for you attendance and support of ADEE. Thanks also to our corporate partners and exhibitors who through their financial support of and participation in the ADEE exhibition and social events programme makes our meetings more interesting to delegates and the overall meeting economically viable. A final thank you to Prof Katleen Vandamme and the team at KU Leuven for your welcome and hospitality. 

See you in Dublin!

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