Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life


April 2022

Abstract submission Deadline Extended to 12:00 (Dublin time) on 18th April 2022

At the request of some of our members we have agreed to extend the closing date for receipt of abstracts for ADEE Palma Annual Meeting 2022 to 12:00 (noon Dublin time) on 18th April. This is a final cut off and no further extension can be facilitated. To submit an abstract for Freestage, Oral presentations, Topic related presentations, or e-poster display showcase click here for more information.


ADEE 2022 Early Bird registration now available

The ADEE executive were delighted to see such interest in our pre-sale offer and indeed from the large number of institutional booking inquiries. It is great to see so many people interested in returning to face to face meetings this summer. Our Early Bird rates commenced on Monday 28th March, which ensures between €50 and €75 discount on your individual booking and further discount on group institutional bookings; this will remain available until 31st May. After 31st May standard registration rates kick in. Group booking are only available during Early Bird rates so ensure you do contact us within this time frames.

For more information visit here


ADEE Communities of Practice

ADEE is currently in the process of establishing Communities of Practice (COP). We encourage individual’s from ADEE member institutions to express interest in starting as well as hosting a COP in an area of particular focus or interest. Details on how to propose a COP are detailed here. If you have an informal query email the ADEE office who will pass you requests on the Prof Botelho who is the nominated Executive lead on this activity.


ADEE Sec Gen Blog

Prof Barry Quinn updates us on his and Prof Paganelli recent attendance at ADEA 2022 in Philadelphia USA.

Read more here


O-Health-Edu Project Update

Our Erasmus project is advancing well and data collection from ADEE member institutions has commenced. You can now monitor the real-time data completion and some initial statistics arising from the data on the O-Health-Edu Data hub. Make sure your school is listed on the map and your experiences of oral health professionals education shared.

For more information visit


Final Reminder: ADEE Executive Expressions of Interest

Members interested in been considered for inclusion on the ADEE executive in 2023 are reminded that the deadline is 20th April.

For more information click here