Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

GED Workshop: Developing usable GED grounded OSCE stations

Sunday, 8th September 2024 - 10:30 to 12:00
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CEST (Brussels Time)


90 Minutes



Session synopsis: 

Join members of the Graduating European Dentist taskforce as they share with delegates how to optimise the use of the GED learning outcome within the design of a single OSCE station. A number of specific examples will be worked through collectively and the session aims to be a highly interactive delegate driven session that leaves delegates with a tangible skill to apply in practice.

10:30 Welcome from Session Chair outlining session approach 
10:45 Scenario Development 
11:20 Standard Setting 
11:40 Group feedback 
11:55 Closing remarks 

James Field

Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education
Cardiff University

Prof James Field is currently a Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education and also the Cardiff University School of Dentistry's Director of Digital Education. He is a long-term active member of ADEE having most recently co-chaired the very successful Bridging the Clinical Gap special interest group and workshop.

James is academic lead for the ADEE European DigEdDent (Digital Education in Dentistry) portal, was lead author for the ADEE's Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Taskforce and Global lead for Shaping The Future of Dental Education: Interprofessional Education stream. He also represents Cardiff University as the trans-national partner in O-Health-Edu, an Erasmus+ K2 project to harmonise dental education across Europe.


Julia Davies

ADEE Treasurer
Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE)

Professor Julia Davies ADEE Treasurer from January 2021 - December 2026. She is Professor at the Department of Oral Biology in Malmö University. Sweden. Her special educational interests are assessment in relation to student-centered, activity-based learning and the challenges associated with integration of basic sciences into clinical teaching in the dental curriculum.

Maria van Harten

Dental Curriculum Mapping Project Officer
Dublin Dental University Hospital

Maria van Harten initially trained as a high school science teacher in Canada at the University of Waterloo and Queen’s University; and then pursued undergraduate dental training at Western University in London, Ontario. After several years in private general practice, she completed graduate study at the University of Toronto, and attained her Master of Science and specialty license in Dental Public Health in 2012. Maria served as a Biostatistics lecturer to graduate dental students at Toronto, as Dental Consultant at the local health agency level, and served on the Executive Committee of the Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry. Currently, Maria lectures in dental public health and serves as Dental Curriculum Mapping Project Officer at the Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. Maria is pursuing a part-time Trinity College Certificate in Teaching, Learning & Assessment for Academic Practice; and continues to engage with Canadian colleagues as licensed dentist and specialist of the Royal College of Dentists of Ontario, and as a Fellow and Examiner of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.

Sibylle Vital

Professor of Pediatric Dentistry
University of Paris

Professor Sibylle Vital graduated from the University of Paris Descartes in 2003. She completed a PhD in Oral Biology at the University of Paris Descartes in 2006 and a post-doctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco, USA in 2007. She is a full-time Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at University of Paris. From 2013-2016, she was head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics and she is currently Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. She serves on the review board of the EJDE since 2014. Active member of ADEE since 2010, Sibylle is a member of the ADEE Executive Committee.

Learning Outcomes: 

On completion delegates will be have skills in:

  • Writing an OSCE station
  • Integrating Learning Outcomes across different GED domains
  • Standard setting approaches