Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

July 2021

Final reminder: ADEE GSK Preventative Dentistry Award

The ADEE GSK Dentistry in Society award is a fund of up to €5,000 available to recognise ADEE members programmes that promote the advancement of preventative dentistry in our members community and region. This is your final call for entry submissions for 2021. For information on the award click here or to submit an application click here.

Submissions close 31st July 2021


Final reminder: ADEE Oral B Inter Professional Educator Award

The ADEE Oral B Inter professional award is an annual award presented to an individual faculty of ADEE member institutions in recognition of their work in the field of inter and intra professional education. This is your final call for entry submissions for 2021. For information on the award click here or to submit an application click here.

Submissions close 31st July 2021


Notification of ADEE General Assembly 2021

Members are formally advised that the ADEE 2021 general assembly will be held online on Friday 27th August 2021 at 17:00 Dublin (UTC+1). Officer reports and presentations will also be made available in advance of the meeting and links for access provided to designated contacts.


Tech Talks & Expo Summer 2021 Friday 27th August @ 10:00

ADEE invites you to consider being part of our panel to discuss key elements of this summer’s sessions of Tech Talks and Tech Expo. You may submit a short 100 word abstract that summarises for you what has been the most innovative change from technology in the past 5 years and how this may inspire the next innovation or step change.
We are interested in technology in its broadest sense and hope that panels will explore technological use in the areas of:

  • Simulation, virtual reality and haptics
  • Assessment and examinations 
  • Teaching, lecturing and facilitating classroom activities
  • Communication and reflective practices

If you are interested in actively participating in this session as a panel member submit your abstract (100 words) by email to no later than 31st July, outlining the topic and rationale for inclusion.


FEHDD Summer 2021 Thursday 26th August @ 11:00

The World Health Assembly approved a resolution that puts oral health back on the global health agenda at its Meeting on 27th May  2021. The resolution acknowledges the global burden of oral diseases and their associations with other conditions. Join us on this FEHDD summer session to explore and discuss the implications of this resolution on oral health professionals education, the oral healthcare workforce and how we my prepare our for working  in the professions in a new context of the future.

Register now to attend via zoom

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