Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life


May content recordings and certificates of attendance now availble

We hope you enjoyed this week's sessions at ADEE Strasbourg Online Annual Meeting 2021

The sessions are being well attended and the ADEE executive would like to thank you for your ongoing support.

We are pleased to advise that you can now watch recordings of all the May sessions at the Strasbourg 2021 reView section under the delegate access link of the meeting webpages. Note you must be logged in and have secured delegate access.

You can now also download a certificate of attendance for each individual session. To do this log into with your user id. Visit the delegate access programme list. Click on the black title of the individual session to access the detailed session page. Scroll down and click Certificate of attendance.

We look forward to seeing you online next week and throughout the upcoming sessions in June.