Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE Strasbourg: Call for abstracts

ADEE 2021

ADEE 2021: Strasbourg - Call for Abstracts 

Due to the ongoing uncertainty around the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the ADEE Executive has decided that ADEE Strasbourg, '‘Networking to advance dental education’, will be a hybrid meeting that blends online, face to face and mixed delivery content over a number of months throughout 2021. 


For ADEE 2021 there will be three streams to which you can submit an abstract:

  1. General Poster/Abstract Presentations
  2. Topic Related Oral Presentations (Networking to advance dental education)
  3. FreeStage Presentations

All abstract submissions MUST be submitted via the online Abstract Submission system.  Submissions by email will NOT be accepted or acknowledged.

  • All posters will be electronic, landscape format, selected presenters will be required to preload their poster onto the LTB electronic system approximately two week before the meeting.
  • General Abstracts will be submitted into 8 sub themes for evaluation and presentation purposes.
    •  Assessment
    •  Curriculum
    •  Evaluation
    •  Faculty Development
    •  Inter Professional Education
    •  Other
    •  Teaching Methods
    •  Technology enhanced Learning

Concerning all accepted abstracts: We will again be using the Learning Toolbox platform to create a showcase for all included posters. All accepted abstracts will be expected to create and upload a poster to the Learning Tool Box Platform.  You are encouraged to use the full functionality of the system and upload a single PPT poster, more detailed and in depth presentations, video recordings, additional resources etc.  You are encouraged to use it as a show case of your work.  In submitting an abstract you will be expected to have at a minimum uploaded a single PPT slide (landscape format) along with completing the mandatory fields in the LTB platform at least two weeks before its go live date of 29th April 2021. 

Selected Oral Presentations: In addition to the online poster showcase, upto 5 abstracts per theme will be selected for oral presentation.  In addition to uploading the slide on LTB you will also be required to record a 5 minute presentation on your poster and forward this to ADEE no later than 15th April 2021. These videos will be compiled for live steaming on the dates as per detailed by theme in the programme. These authors will be expected to attend this session to participate in a live question and answer session with delegated.  Again this is chaired and facilitated by theme.

All accepted abstracts are be expected to register for the relevant meeting stream and be in attendance on their allocated day to ensure their work is presented as the live session will also include reference to non oral presenters work via the LTB platform.

Topic related and FREEStage presentations are given 15 minutes each and will be presented as per the schedule, however again all relevant LTB and video recording deadlines still apply. In this case the presentation can include upto 10 slides.

Please ensure that you read carefully the submission guidelines before making a submission.

The closing date for all abstracts is 31st March 2021 at 13:00 Irish Time.  Please note the system is automated and will not accept late submissions.

To upload your abstract please click below and input your login credentials to commence the process. Ensure you read the submission guidance before commencing.

Click here for the online submission system.