Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

O-Health-Edu Consultation and Dissemination with European Dental Heads and Deans

Members of FEHDD along with Deans and Heads of Education of European dental schools and beyond are invited to participate in this live interactive session, linked to the Erasmus co-funded O-Health-Edu project. The project aims to better understand the existing state of oral health professional’s education in Europe and to develop a common vision for this education. The ultimate aim is to improve the ability of oral health professionals to meet the oral health needs of the European population.

ADEE is dissemination partner for the project. 

Date: Thursday 1st October at 14:00 UK time. 

register here

On this occasion we are particularly interested in Intellectual Outputs 2 and 7 from OHE:

IO2 - Position paper on Dental Education in Europe

IO7 - Glossary of Educational Terms

After registration you will be invited to participate in the online surveys, which will gather your valued opinion prior to the live event. We very much look forward to seeing you at the event!
Programme Agenda 
14:00 Welcome and introduction to the Project
14.10 Overview of O-Health-Edu and partner institutions
14.15  Results of the ‘Vision’ consultation and opportunity for discussion
15.30 Overview of Articulate Glossary and survey process, and instruction for breakout activity
14:40 Breakout into 4 groups to discuss terms (rapporteur from each group to detail discussions about each term)  Short comfort break
15:40 Summary from groups (problems with particular terms, conflicts of opinion) – 5 mins per group only
16:00 Thanks and close

Please join us in this dissemination and consultation event on Thursday 1st October at 14:00 UK time.  

Prof Julia Davies 
Malmo Univerity 

Dr Julia Davies is currently Professor of Oral Biology at The Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden. She has been a member of the Executive Committee of ADEE since 2106.  Julia has wide experience as external examiner, curriculum evaluator/advisor and journal reviewer.  As O-Health-Edu Intellectual Output 07 lead, Julia has overseen and co-odrinated the development of the O-Helath-Edu glossary. She will share the approach taken to its development and will lead the consultation on key terms and phrases that are included in teh glossary.

Dr James Field
University of Cardiff

Dr James Field is currently a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, and also the Cardiff University School of Dentistry's Director of Digital Education. He is a long term active member of ADEE and has most recently taken up the position of curator for the ADEE European DigEdDent (Digital Education in Dentistry) project. He was lead author for the ADEE's Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Taskforce and Global lead for Shaping The Future of Dental Education: Interprofessional Education stream.  As lead of IO1 and IO2 James, along with his colleague Dr Jonathan Dixon from the University of Sheffield, oversaw the delivery of a scoping review and the evolving vision that is being developed by O-Health-Edu.

Prof Stephanie Tubert-Jeannin
Université Clermont Auvergne

Prof Stephanie Tubert Jeannie is immediate Past President of ADEE, and former Dean & current Professor of Dental Public Health at University Clermont Auvergne (France).  She is coordinator of the Erasmus + KA2 O-Health-Edu project, and co-lead on intelelctual outputs 3 &4.  Stephanie is committed to supporting and bringing together the concepts of public health and dental education and is an advocate for the education of (Oral) Health Professionals, being able to play a role of public health actors in managing  (oral) health needs, for all.  She sees O-Health-Edu as a key enabler of such activity in the future, 

Prof Cristina Manzanares
University of Barcelona 

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