Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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ADEE GSK Dentistry in Society Scholarship 2020

The ADEE GSK Dentistry in Society Scholarship 2020 was held online Monday the 5th October 2020.
Combining a panel discussion with the announcement of the 2020 recipents the session was co-chaired by Prof Ilze Akota ADEE President and Dr Steve Mason GSK Consumer Health. The panel discussed the creation of the Dentistry In Society domain within the Graduating European Dentist curriculum and explored how this can be appplied in practice and how it may evolve in the future.
ADEE and GSK would like to sincerely thank the panel members for giving their time and enabling this important conversation and to also congratulate the 2020 recipient on their planned project, we look forward to monitoring their progress in the coming month.

You can now view the recording of the session below.

Panel member bios are detailed below

Dr Brett Duane 
Associate Professor in Public Dental Health
Dublin Dental University Hospital/ Trinity College Dublin

Dr Brett Duane graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand with a degree in dentistry. He has a Masters in Management in Health (University of Newcastle, Australia), a Master’s in Public Health (University of Glasgow) and a PHD in Dentistry (Finland). From 2001-2005 he worked as Senior Dental Officer in an Aboriginal health service. In 2006-2010 he was Assistant Clinical Director (Oral Health Improvement), Scotland. From 2014-2015 he was Consultant in Dental Public Health in Public Health England and is currently Associate Professor in Dental Public Health, at Trinity College, Dublin. His main interests and research are ensuring that the delivery of oral health services are environmentally sustainable. Brett has published ten papers within the area of sustainable dentistry, with a series of seven papers in this area accepted by the British Dental Journal. He has given presentations on the subject to BASCD, to Manchester University, and was keynote speaker at the IADH conference (2017) ADEE (2019) and has run a workshop at AMEE.

Dr James Field
Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Director of Digital Education/National Teaching Fellow
Cardiff University School of Dentistry

Dr James Filed is currently a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, and also the Cardiff University School of Dentistry's Director of Digital Education. He is a long term active member of ADEE having most recently co chaired the very successful Bridging the Clinical Gap special interest group and workshop. James is academic lead for the ADEE European DigEdDent (Digital Education in Dentistry) portal, was lead autor for the ADEE's Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Taskforce and Global lead for Shaping The Future of Dental Education: Interprofessional Education stream. He also represents Cardiff University as the trans-national partner in O-Health-Edu, an Erasmus+ K2 project to harmonise dental education across Europe.

Prof Stephanie Tubert Jeannin
Professor of Dental Public Health
Universite Clermont Auevergn

Prof Stephanie Tubert Jeannie is immediate Past President of ADEE, Coordinator of the Erasmus + KA2 O-Health-Edu project, member of the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education, member of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, former Dean & current Professor of Dental Public Health at University Clermont Auvergne (France). Stephanie is committed to support and bring together the concepts of public health and dental education and an advocate for the education of (Oral) Health Professionals, being able to play a role of public health actors in managing (oral) health needs, for all.
