Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life


Registrations now open for designated institutional members

Thank you for completing the nominated atendee at the ADEE general assembly registration form. 

We now invite you to formally register for a number of upcoming ADEE business meetings, if you have not already done so. If you have already registered, thank you, you need take no further action. 

Friday 2nd October at 12:00 UK time all are invited to a discussion with the ADEE executive in advance of the annual General Assembly.

At the session we will share key organisational information, outline our financial position and present the nominations for the ADEE executive committee. We hope you can join us and look forward to engaging with your questions and comments.

More information along with some pre recorded content is available here. You can now also register for the ADEE 2020 General Assembly and access the full agenda and papers from here.

There are also a number of eductaional and consultation session that you may be interested in registering for. All these session remain free to members. 

Thursday 1st October @ 09:00 UK time the Annual FEHDD meeting.

This free session open to Dental heads, deans and directors of education will feature a round table session with notable leaders in the fields of oral and public health education and practice within Europe. This will be followed by a facilitated consensus forming prioritisation of Dental Head’s and Dean's needs and a practical session on time management in light of the COVOD-19 pandemic. For more information, speaker bios and registration visit here.

Thursday 1st October @14:00 UK An O-Health-Edu Consultation session.

Heads, Deans, Directors of Education and Senior Academics are invited to participate in the Erasmus + project consultation as a we craft a vision for Oral Health Education to 2030 and beyond. We need your input and participation in crafting this vision.

More information and free registration here.

Finally you can keep up to date with our online programme by visiting the dedicated section of the website.